This follows on from Part 1.
Hebrews 11:31
By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish along with those who were disobedient,
after she had welcomed the spies in peace.
Jericho is also known as "The City of Palm Trees" ~ June 2012 |
Rahab is
one of only two women mentioned by name as a hero of faith in Hebrews 11 – the
other one is Sarah who appears in verse 11. What, you might say! Only two women
out of sixteen named individuals? So much for equal representation of genders! But keep in mind that the author of Hebrews was writing at a time when an
abysmally low view of women existed in the Jewish subculture.
For example, in the
Book of Sirach (c. 180 BC), the Jewish scholar Jesus ben Sirach wrote:
· Sirach
It is a disgrace to be the father of an undisciplined son, and the birth of a daughter is a loss.
· Sirach
Better is the wickedness of a man than a woman who does good,it is woman who brings shame and disgrace.
So, we can see
that the author of Hebrews actually holds a comparatively high view of women.
What we should really be surprised by is that in a patriarchal society where
women were seldom recognised by name, Hebrews 11 actually names two women, and these two women
are commended as heroes of faith and portrayed as actors on the stage of redemptive history!
And when we read about
Rahab in the Old Testament (Josh 2:1-24), we are astonished to discover that, there too, she is cast in a
very positive light [1]! Even by 21st century standards, she’s hardly
your stereotypical damsel in distress, or fading wallflower who sits passively
in the corner waiting for the men to make all the decisions. No, there’s none
of that with Rahab!
Her character seems to defy patriarchal gender roles and expectations – you might even dare to say that this woman is the picture of strength and courage.
Glance back at
Joshua chapter 1 and you will find that Joshua, the new leader and military
commander of the Israelites, is told a total of four times: “Be strong and
courageous!” – three times by the LORD himself (vv. 6, 7, 9, and 18). Then, in the very next chapter, the scene abruptly switches
and focuses not on Joshua, but on a hereto unknown character who is Joshua's complete antithesis...
...a woman who exemplifies what it means to be strong and courageous - Rahab!
Yes, Rahab is
strong - she’s the protagonist, the active agent [2], in Joshua 2:1-24 who is assertive, independent, able to take
control, remains calm under pressure, and who demonstrates kindness
(v. 12; interestingly, this an attribute of God himself)...
Notice the number of actions she performs:
the woman had taken... and hidden them (v. 4)
had taken them... and hidden them (v. 6)
she went up... (v.
she let them down...
(v. 15; cf. v. 17)
she sent them away (v. 21)
tied (v. 21)
she said... "I did
not know"
(v. 4)
don’t know" (v. 5) - admittedly vv. 4-5 contain falsehood
she said... (v. 8) "I know..."
(v. 9)
replied, "Agreed. Let it be..." (v. 21)
And gives directives (to men, who obey!):
"Go after them" (v. 5) ...So the men set out (v. 7)
swear to me… because I have shown kindness" (v. 12)
"Give me a sure sign" (v. 12)
she said... "Go to the hills... Hide yourselves... and then go on your way"
(v. 16)
you [Rahab] made us swear
(v. 17)
Rahab is also
courageous [3], and just like Joshua, she is a saviour:
She defies the
king of Jericho and takes the risk of hiding the two men under the
stalks of flax out on the roof (vv. 3-4). She protects and rescues the spies from certain death (v. 14) and her actions result not only
in her own life being spared, but also in her father, her mother, her brothers and
sisters, and all who belonged to them being saved from death (vv. 13, 18; 6:17,
22-23, 25). Her courage and kindness saved the lives of many people. [4]
Rahab’s story
reminds us that even in Old Testament times when patriarchy prevailed, God has cast women in significant roles in his grand plan of salvation. Rahab the woman turns out to be an important
part of the good news God is telling the world – she is one of only five women mentioned
by Matthew’s Gospel in the genealogy of Jesus Christ himself (Matt 1:5). [5]
character and actions break the stereotypes of what our society often expects men to
be like and women to be like, and she shows that women have the potential to be
just as strong and courageous as men. In our communities, and especially in our
churches, let’s be careful not to overlook faithful women. We’re not merely the
support acts, and we’re not simply passive observers - depending on our
gifting, personality, spiritual maturity, and willingness to serve, we have the
potential to meet the challenge given the opportunity!
(You can read Part 3 here.)
(You can read Part 3 here.)
[1] Aaron Sherwood, "A Leader's Misleading and a Prostitute's Profession: A Re-examination of Joshua 2", JSOT 31.1 (2006), 43, 45.
[2] Judith E. McKinlay, "Rahab: A Hero/ine?", Biblical Interpretation 7.1 (1999), 46, 47, 48.
[3] Catherine Clark Kroeger & Mary J. Evans, The IVP Women's Bible Commentary (Downers Grove: IVP, 2002), 120.
[4] McKinlay, 49.
[4] McKinlay, 49.
[5] Irene Nowell, "Jesus' Great-Grandmothers: Matthew's Four and More", The Catholic Bible Quarterly 70 (2008), 2.
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